Wednesday, May 30, 2018

In Memory Of The Over 4 Million Innocent Biafran Men, Women, And Children Massacred

By Okoro Ukata

The preservation of everything historic, pertaining to the Igbo people of Biafra land is an important part of the Igbology project. Our culture, tradition, and custom cannot be complete without our story. The gory story about our past. And this is understandable when we remember that what's involved is the over 4 million lives of Biafrans lost in an avoidable war on a peaceable people whose custom and tradition hold human lives sacred. Whose customs and norms place a high value on human lives. An accommodating and hospitable people who were never known or seen as war-like, even till date. 

Every 30th of May is set aside to remember this bit of ugly history, to keep their memory burning and to honor their sacrifice for the entire Biafran nation made up of a diverse people, united with one common blood.

In Memory Of The Over 4 Million Innocent Biafran Men, Women, And Children Massacred

In Memory Of The Over 4 Million Innocent Biafran Men, Women, And Children Massacred

In Memory Of The Over 4 Million Innocent Biafran Men, Women, And Children Massacred

In Memory Of The Over 4 Million Innocent Biafran Men, Women, And Children Massacred

In Memory Of The Over 4 Million Innocent Biafran Men, Women, And Children Massacred 

Monday, April 2, 2018

Igbos: Preserving Culture And Tradition Through Dances

Igbo Dances Photo Credit:

By Okoro Ukata

Gymnastics which is a coveted Sport in the Western had been a part of Igbo traditional dances before colonial days. One of the characteristics of Igbo dances is that a lot of body movements are involved. In fact, all parts of the human body are involved in Igbo traditional dances. Another peculiarity with Igbo dances is that each part of Igbo land has a unique or characteristic dancing and beating styles by which the people are known. Example is the Mkponkiti or Atilogwu dance of Enugu and Anambra people, Bongo music of the Owerri people, Abigbo dance of Mbaise people, Ikpirikpe or War dance of Ohafia, Abam people etc. In all, Igbo dances and songs are all enjoyable no matter from which part of Igbo land such a song is played. Remember, one of the uses of traditional dances and songs is that it is one of the means Igbos preserve their culture and tradition, apart from entertainment. Sit back and enjoy a typical video dance of the Igbo people of modern times below:     

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Uli Airport: Africa's Busiest Airport In 1968

Uli Airport was the busiest airport in Africa in 1968. It was built by Biafra engineers. This picture was taken in 1971 - a year after the Civil War.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Bruce Mayrock: The American Jew Who Died To Give Freedom To Afronoid Jews

Image result for bruce mayrock

By Okoro Ukata 

Silence is a menace. Why? Because silence itself has plunged this world into untold despair and wreckage. Silence has caused a lot of anguish to millions of people in this world. 

Oppressors prey on their victims and dominate them as a result of the silence of those who were supposed to speak up.

It is because of such silence that made Bruce Mayrock, a 20-year-old Jewish man to immolate himself in the front of UN Building. On 30th of May 1969, Bruce went in the front of UN Building, on the outside lawn and set himself on fire to protest the world's silence, while the Islamic northern government of Nigeria was committing a genocide and the extermination of millions of the Biafran people. 

America and Britain had aided the Nigerian government to impose a blockade which had cut off necessary food and supplies vital for the survival of the people as such over 4 million innocent Biafran women and children were wiped off by hunger and starvation. This infuriated Bruce Mayrock.

Image result for bruce mayrockPhoto credit: Oblong media

Bruce Mayrock had studied briefly at Hofstra University and enrolled briefly, as well in September 1967, at a Jewish Theological Seminary. At the time of his death, Mayrock was a student in the School of General Studies, Columbia Universiy, New York, and was working as a sports photographer for the publication, Columbia Daily Spectator. 

Shortly before 3 p.m on Thursday, Bruce Mayrock doused himself with a flammable liquid according to Columbia Daily Spectator and went to the lawn outside the U.N. Building to set himself on fire. He was chased by two UN guards with fire extinguishers to put out the flames, which was happening in the front of hundreds of horrified delegates and onlookers. 

Mayrock, ran and escaped the guards fully ignited and went and fell down beneath the statue at the UN Building, bearing the Biblical inscription about beating the swords into plowshares and learning war no more, which was found in the book of Isaiah. There at the spot, the guards caught up with him and put out the flames; and he was rushed to Bellevue Hospital, New York, in a critical condition. Sadly, he died after midnight on Friday. 

In the front of the lawn was found Bruce Mayrock's cardboard sign inscription he had been protesting with which had read, 

"You must stop the genocide - please save 9 million Biafrans."

The publication he worked for at the University, also reported that Bruce Mayrock had protested actively writing letters to leading government figures and to the president of the United States of America, to stop the war. 

Image result for bruce mayrock

And a rabbi close to Bruce's family quoted the young Mayrock as, "an idealistic young man deeply upset by the events in Biafra...People were being killed and he felt no one was doing anything. That was why he did what he did," according to the University publication's report. 

But it was not a mere coincidence of nature that Bruce Mayrock had chosen to die for a people he had not even seen or a people who were inhabiting in a faraway place he had never visited before. 

Today's Biafrans had always recognized the genetic and bloodily relationship they share with Bruce Mayrock. 

Biafrans not only do they regard themselves as Jews, but had strong cultural and historical evidence to prove their Jewish lineage. 

Right at the heart of Igbo land, among the people of Biafra, stands today, an ancient palace, temple, and altar built in honor of Gad, one of the twelve sons of Jacobs whose name was mentioned in Numbers 32:33 of the Old Testament of the Bible or the Jewish Torah. 

This house of Gad is called "ObuGad". And it still stands till date in Aguleri.  There at present day Aguleri, the direct descendants of Eri, one of the sons of Gad, can still be traced in Anambra State.     

It is remarkable that this House of Gad had been built even before the white men coming in contact with Africans. As such, it had always been as ancient as the settling of the Igbo Jews on Biafra land.

Image result for obu gadInside of the ancient "House of Gad" or "Obu-Gad" built by the descendants of Eri in honor of their father Gad. Photo credit:

This is why the Biafrans believed that Bruce Mayrock sacrificed his life for his own brothers and sisters; and as such, he would never be forgotten forever and ever by the people of Biafra whom he had paid the ultimate price, to help secure their freedom. 

Image result for obu gadThis is the OBU-GAD, or The House of Gad in Aguleri. An ancient house built in honor of Gad at the heart of Igbo land, Aguleri in Anambra State. 
Photo credit: Igbo Gad Archeology, YouTube 

Image result for obu gad
Photo credit:

Opening image credit: African Free Press

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Do You Know Steve Jobs, Co-founder Of Apple Inc. Left The Church Because Of The British Role In The Biafran War?

Image result for biafran starving children
By Okoro Ukata

Steve Jobs was the American inventor/entrepreneur and co-founder and ex-CEO of Apple Inc., makers of iPhone, iPod, iPad, and the Apple Computers; who was born and bred in San Francisco, U.S.A. Though the world lost him in death in October 2011, his products and businesses remain one of the most popular brands globally.

At a time, when an international magazine published the photos of famishing and dying children on their cover photo, Steve Jobs was rattled that Britain, a so called Christian country was behind the carnage and holocaust, overseeing the starving to death of over 4 million innocent women and children in Biafra land, a people who were 99% Christians, as well. 

It was in history that for over 3 years, the war lasted, British government and Army were the ones who planned and directed the Nigerian soldiers on the war fronts executing the extermination. Besides, their supply of Ferret armored cars, Saladin armored scout cars, Fox armored scout cars and other lethal weapons to the Nigerian government to wage the war against the Biafrans; a war that lasted from 1967-1970.

According to Washington State University website in an article written by COLE KIRKPATRICK, the Biafran war led by Colonel Ojukwu engaged the war to escape the "Dictatorship of the Northern Nigeria Military who were immensely discriminating the people of Southern and Eastern Nigeria."

This war, the University website blamed on the British as those who caused it as a result of how "Britain left the country at an uneasy state after Nigeria declared its independence in the beginning of 1960."

Steve Jobs could not understand how Britain a so called Christian nation could collaborate with the Government of Nigeria controlled by the Muslim North, against the Biafrans who are predominantly a Christian land. He imagined that as the colonizers of the people, they would have made peace for them, rather than side the Islamic federal government to exterminate another group of same faith.

Truly, this war that snuffed away over 4 million Biafran lives mostly women and children as a result of artificial famine created by the British's sponsored land and sea blockade preventing food and supplies entering the Biafran zone, and leading millions to waste away in extreme hunger and malnutrition. Thus the University website was right to call the war, "One of the most deadly inter country wars that took place in the twentieth century."

Image result for biafran starving children
Starved Biafran children. Photo credit: Nairaland 

Opening image: Biafran children. Photo credit: Subversify Magazine

Saturday, August 12, 2017

The American Who Died For Biafra

By Okoro Ukata

August Martin:

He was the first African American to pilot a commercial aircraft. His middle name was Harvey, born in Los Angeles, California. Her mother, a professional teacher taught her at home until he was 13. After which he went to Secondary School and also graduated from the University.
August Martin washed airplanes at the Oakland Flying Service to earn money that enabled him to train on how to fly.

He completed his training at the University of California, civilian pilot training program. He later joined the U.S. Army around 1943 and perfected in the flying of the B-25 twin-engine bomber and various other ranges of advanced fighter jets. 

He later left the army and went back to commercial piloting where he flew for Buffalo Skylines, El Al Airlines, and World Airways. He was the first black captain of an LI.S. at Seaboard World Airlines.

August Martin was convinced that the war being waged against Biafrans was unjust and took it upon himself to use his airplane on a Mercy Mission to come drop food for the millions of starving Biafran women and children dying because of the British sponsored air and sea blockade against the Biafrans. 

Despite all threats from the Nigerian government, August Martin continued to single-handedly fly food and other supplies to the Biafrans. 

But unfortunately, in 1968 he was killed while trying to land his aircraft in a rainstorm at Uli, though some account had it that his aircraft was shot down and crashed by the Nigerian troops. He died June 30, 1968, and all Biafrans remember August Harvey Martin this day, as one of the heroes of the Biafran people.

Today, a school in New York still bears his name in honor of this great African-American whose legacy can never be forgotten by the people he died helping: The massacred people of Biafra. 

He was born August 31, 1919.

Opening image: August Harvey Martin. Photo credit: Geni

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Biafra At 50: The Need To Avert Another Genocide And Give Way To A UN-Backed Referendum

A major busy highway looking deserted as a result of the observance of the Sit-at-Home Order of IPOB to mark Biafra @50. Photo credit: Naira Land

Yesterday, May 30th was marked as Biafra's Heroes and Heroines day. This year's celebration was a double-barreled celebration, which at one hand is commemorating Biafra at 50 and in the other, marking a Memorial about the over 3 million innocent men, women and children that lost their lives in various ways as a result of the war. As one source had put it, those who died from deprivation and extreme hunger due to British sponsored land, air and sea blockade in Biafraland, far out-numbered those killed from the barrels of the gun. 

This year's remembrance was special in at least two ways: There was no record of any single casualty; as it was as marked peaceful as a dove. Secondly, it recorded a huge success. 

To mark the celebration, Nnamdi Kanu who is regarded today as the New Face of the Pro-Biafran Movement, made a call for all Biafrans to sit at home and avoid the streets, in order to checkmate the usual brute following the Nigerian Police and Army use of maximum force to quell their peaceful protests. 

There was total compliance to the Order as was reported from several sources, including BBC.

Below is the result of the Sit-at-Home report according to a post circulating in the social media:

The Indigenous People of Biafra Sit at Home Order and Scores of each State:
Anambra (Exceptional) 100%
Abia (Exceptional) 100%
Rivers (Unrivalled) 100%
Bayelsa (Excellent) 100%
Cross River (Excellent) 100%
Akwa Ibom (Overwhelming) 100%
Imo (Intimidatingly) 100%
Enugu (Very good)100%
Ebonyi (Very good) 100%
Delta (Exceptional) 100%
Igbanke/Edo (Very good) 100%
Igala/Kogi/Benue Very good) 100%
Idoma/Benue  (Excellent) 100%
Igede/Benue (Very good) 100%
Agatu/Benue (Benue (Very good) 100%

The Biafra Sit At Home 2017 is a resounding success. This was made divinely possible by God of Israel and Biafra. Is there any Referendum more than this?The answer is no. 

The international observers and foreign journalists that gave coverage expressed satisfaction and poured encomiums on the Biafran nation.

Referendum not contained in the Nigeria criminal Constitution of 1999 as handed down khaki is now Nigeria's headache, not that of Biafra again. 

The Indigenous people of Biafra have eloquently spoken, saying bye to Nigeria. A good riddance to a bad rubbish.

Long live Biafra, long live Nnamdi Kanu. Long live lovers of freedom all over the world. All hail Biafra.
Biafrans in Italy and all over the world, also joined in marking the 50th anniversary of Biafraland.

In Memory Of The Over 4 Million Innocent Biafran Men, Women, And Children Massacred

By Okoro Ukata The preservation of everything historic, pertaining to the Igbo people of Biafra land is an important part of the Ig...